Interview: Kaïa Etezadi


What's your morning routine like? 

My morning routine consistently starts off by snoozing a few alarms and then laying in bed for way longer than I should. Eventually I like to make myself a cup of my grandmother’s Persian tea to start off my morning while I sit down and plan out my day.

What do you do when you feel stuck and can't come up with ideas? 

When I’m stuck for ideas I like to flip through my favourite magazines (I’ve recently been loving the new issue of SSAW magazine) and a bunch of old art books I have piled up on my desk. This usually gets me going, but if all else fails I just start scribbling until something comes out of it! 

Take us through how your art has evolved throughout the years.

I’ve always been artsy in some way or another. When I was younger, I used to build little sets with clay. I was always crafting something. As I grew up, my creative expression evolved more towards drawing and painting. When I made one of my first real paintings I thought, “this is it, I’m going to paint forever”. Now I can’t even remember the last time I touched a paintbrush and feel entirely invested in illustration. I guess I have no idea what I’ll jump to next! 


How do you stay organized? 

Organization is definitely not my strong suit. The only thing holding my life together is my little black moleskine filled with plans and to-do lists. So many lists! 


Where do you find inspiration for your art?

I find so much inspiration online and in magazines. The downside is that there’s sooo much content it’s hard not to get lost in it whats trendy or what you think other people will like. Another huge source of inspiration, and what keeps me grounded from the crazy world of Instagram, is the amazing community of creative beautiful women I have around me. 

Do you have any tattoos? If so, can you tell us a little bit about the meaning behind them? 

I have two tattoos that both serve as little self-reminders about how to be a better person. The first one is a bundle of flowers: wild rose, lavender, and blueberries, with the saying “anicca” (meaning “this too shall pass”) written overtop. This one is a reminder of my trip to British Columbia , which I ended by spending a life changing 10 days at a silent meditation retreat. The second is a snake wrapped around a fig, with the word awareness written in my grandmother’s farsi handwriting underneath. This one is an homage to my grandparents and my Persian heritage, it’s a reminder to execute everything with full awareness, not to get lost in the flow of things. 


It's Sunday morning, you're home alone and it's raining outside. What do you do? 

I actually quite enjoy the rain! I’d probably end up sopping wet and frizzy-haired in a cafe drawing or getting some work done. Either that or I’d put on some music and occupy the whole house with my silly dance moves.