Music To My Ears Vol. II

5 summers ago, Jodi and I were put together in the same month-long camp leadership group by luck and chance. As fast as I could ask what GTA high-school she went to, we became fast and best friends. Years later, we spent our last summer by working and living in the same rinky-dink cabin for 3 months, yet she remains the smartest person I know and the eternal life of any party she walks into. This is Jodi.

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Music To My Ears Vol. I

Coupled with curated tracks spanning many or limited to single genres, this series will focus on the women in my life, old and young, who continually work to make an impression on my life. This is Annie - my sister who is 3 wonderful years my junior, lover of top 40 pop music, confidante, dance partner, fight instigator and my constant model.

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