Unfamiliar Boundaries
“I am inspired by the city I live in, my everyday surroundings, all of the positive and negative spaces— the new unexpected shapes formed within them. By using recycled material, acrylic paints, and various mediums I create ‘windows’ into new worlds with a unique sense of space to immerse yourself in. Within these windows, my shapes and lineations tell a story— an abstract narrative. By pushing and pulling through layers of paint on the surface of the panel, orchestrating different sizes and using repetition, I can play with my figures and the unfamiliar boundaries of the painting. I title my pieces with simplicity, as to help the viewer get a glimpse or start on the narrative, but leave the rest up for them to imagine. Sometimes I find it hard to speak my mind or express how I feel, and painting out these emotions and these stories really helps me with that release. It is out there in the world to be seen and to be heard. Breaking away from traditional painting was sudden and I was a little apprehensive, but it was so exciting as I was able to create my own language in my own little world, it felt really right.”
Submitted by Sarah Klawiter.