
During this pandemic and lockdown, the words "stuck" and "savor" have been cycling through my head. I'm stuck at home—with my parents, in the house I grew up in. My plans to move to a new city are postponed indefinitely. It's easy to feel stuck, but at the same time, I'm trying to savor small moments—sitting in the sun, dancing with friends on zoom, eating chocolate chips. This series is based on my embodied feelings of these two words. I painted the movements that felt right in my body; the first pose in each panel is the "stuck" pose; the second is a way of moving that is more playful, open, and savoring. Turning to movement and art during this time has allowed me to accept that both stuck and savor can exist in my body at once—and will continue to exist, pandemic or no pandemic. 

Submitted by Carrie Klein.